Dams & Reservoirs
Norse designs, fabricates, and installs stainless steel, aluminum, and hydrothane trash racks and also provides bulkheads for de-watering of inlet pipes, to assist in gate valve replacement. Norse provides detailed video inspections of dams and spillways
Sediment Removal
Norse designs and constructs sediment containment basins to house sediment debris. Divers utilize submersible hydraulic pumps and hoses to vacuum sediments. For all your underwater sediment removal
Bridges & Canals
Several Norse divers are bridge certified through the 80 hour course with the National Highway Institute. We have performed extensive inspections and repairs on bridges, canals, and dams in multiple states.
Trash Racks
Hydrothane trash racks are widely used in cold weather regions throughout the United States. Frazzle or anchor ice adhering to conventional steel racks were eliminated with the use of non-metallic racks.
Inspection & Repair
Norse diving services provides underwater inspection and repair of all underwater structures this includes underwater video inspections and underwater repair.
Water Intake Structures
Norse provides zebra mussel removal from water intake structures via high-pressure water blasting, hand scraping, and vacuuming.
Other Services
Outfall Pipes, Potable Water Storage Tanks, Clearwell & Wetwell Inspections, Sluice Gates, Docks, Wharfs/Piers, steel & Wood Fabrication, Steel & Wood Piling & Removal, Underwater Burning & Welding, Pipelines & Water Main Repairs, Ships & Barges, Salvage & Recovery, Decompression Diving, Fathometric Survey, Design, Consultation, & Engineering, Underwater Grouting Services and more.